Washington County
Posted: Oct 16, 2021 11:46 AMUpdated: Oct 16, 2021 12:09 PM
OSA Honors Life of Wash. Co. Deputy Davis with Award
The Oklahoma Sheriff's Association honors the life of a fallen Washington County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) Deputy.
WCSO Corporal Kyle Davis paid the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty on March 25, 2021, and the OSA recognized that service on Friday night in Norman during its annual banquet. Davis' family, Sheriff Scott Owen and members of the WCSO accepted the posthumous Sheriff's Cross Award on behalf of Deputy Davis.
Sheriff Owen says the law enforcement community continues to hold Deputy Davis and his family up. He says Cpl. Davis will never be forgotten.
Moving forward, Sheriff Owen says the WCSO will look to hold an annual memorial for Deputy Davis. He says they will always stay in close contact with the family and help them in any way they can.
Sheriff Owen says the WCSO is blessed to have the support that they have from the public. He says the world is not how we used to know it, so it is more vital now than ever to stand together.
Undersheriff Jon Copeland and Jail Administrator James Pendergraft attended the banquet. Sheriff Owen thanks the Oklahoma Sheriff's Association for their guidance and support through Deputy Davis' passing. He thanks the community for its support as well.
Deputy Davis was killed in the line of duty on March 25, 2021, following an inmate altercation. More here.
A candle vigil was held the next night to remember the life of Cpl. Davis. Hundreds gathered at Copan High School to pay respects to a man that gave everything to protect Washington County. There were many voices that reflected the life of Deputy Davis.
Endless support for Davis' family and the WCSO followed those heartbreaking days.
To read related articles, click the links below:
Remembering WCSO Corporal Kyle Davis
Benefit Account Created for Family of Fallen Deputy
WCSO, Others to Escort Deputy Davis Home on Sunday
Fallen Deputy Returned Home Amidst Strong Community Show of Support
Acting U.S. Attorney Comments of Deputy Davis' Passing
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Osage County Sheriff's Office Shows Support for WCSO
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