Posted: May 06, 2020 10:46 AMUpdated: May 06, 2020 10:50 AM
OKCA Principal Gregory Offers Virtual Learning Tips

Virtual learning has become the norm during the COVID-19 pandemic, and while many schools are beginning to wrap up the current school year, Oklahoma Connections Academy Principal Melissa Gregory has helpful online learning tips for parents.
One thing to keep in mind is scheduling. Gregory said if you have a dedicated learning space and a consistent schedule, your child will thrive in an online learning environment.
It is also good to keep expectations reasonable. Gregory said it is easier to start smaller when teaching a child a new concept.
Spending 15 to 20 minutes is probably best. Gregory said you can cut yourself and your child some slack once the time is done. She said frequent breaks for your brain are good as you bounce from concept to concept.
Knowing a teachers expectations during a virtual learning experience is also a good idea. Gregory said teachers all over Oklahoma have done a wonderful job of communicating with families during the coronavirus crisis. She said letting teachers know what is happening at home is also a good idea while your child is learning online.
This goes hand-in-hand with keeping social ties. Gregory said interacting with friends and family during stressful times can help relieve that stress and create a better learning environment.
Learning is all around us, and we do not have to just sit around and do nothing. Gregory said we take this opportunity to learn and explore with our families and friends. She said we are not alone and we can learn to grow together, one step at a time.
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