Bartlesville Public Schools
Posted: Jul 17, 2023 8:28 PMUpdated: Jul 17, 2023 8:36 PM
Federal Funding Amount for Bartlesville Schools is Unknown

Nathan Thompson
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters announced Monday that Oklahoma will receive a record $224 million in federal aid for Title 1 students, but Bartlesville Public Schools has not been notified on how much their funding is.
Dr. Stephanie Curtis, the school district's coordinator for Title 1 funds, told the Bartlesville Board of Education on Monday that the district normally receives an initial estimated allocation of federal funds before the previous school year is over and a final allocation in August.
Curtis says the intial estimated allocation has not occurred, and the school district has not been notified of the amount of federal funding for this upcoming school year, even after Walters made his statement earlier Monday.
Jason Langham, the school district's executive director of special services, says it's not unheard of for the district to not know their amount of federal funding distributed by the Oklahoma Department of Education, but it does cause some issues for financial planning for the upcoming school year.
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