Posted: Apr 28, 2023 9:36 AMUpdated: Apr 28, 2023 9:36 AM
CAPITOL CALL 4-28-23 Powered by Philips 66

Tom Davis
Representative John B. Kane joined us in studio for CAPITOL CALL powered by Phillips 66 on KWON on Friday with a call-in clip from Senator Daniels. Representative Judd Strom was called into a meeting at the state capitol and could not participate in our discussion.
The big news is that the education bills have been separated. Representative John B. Kane said the House was able to vote to approve pay raises for educators based on seniority. However, the school choice and funding surround the other education bill is still a point of contention between the Senate and Governor Stitt.
According to Senator Daniels, the Governor vetoed several Senate bills this week, including their version of the education bill, and said he wouuld continue to veto Senate bills until the Senate can come up with tax cuts, school choice and school funding.
Daniels is calling Stitt's bluff. She got her Senate Bill 613, which prohibits transgender treatment to chldren under 18, passed by the legistature. The bill is something the Governor said is very important to him. It will be interesting to see if the Governor signs or vetoes the bill when it hits his desk on Monday.
Representative Kane said he remains confident the education bills will be passed.
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