Posted: Apr 27, 2023 1:37 PMUpdated: Apr 27, 2023 1:37 PM
Senate Approves Bill To Upgrade State's 911 Services
The Oklahoma State Senate approved a bill earlier this week to modernize Oklahoma’s 911 services.
Senator Casey Murdock says, “I don’t think many Oklahomans realize that our current 911 system is still using technology from 40 years ago. It’s even more challenging in rural counties that sometimes have to piggyback off one another to answer calls.”
The bill will enable the state to move to Next Generation 911 which will decrease response times, better identify caller locations and coordinate responses.
House Bill 1590 would adjust the fee for devices of calling 911 from 75 cents a month to $1.25. It would also require CPR training for 911 telecommunicators in the state to better assist callers until help arrives.
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