Posted: Apr 25, 2023 7:10 PMUpdated: Apr 26, 2023 9:39 AM
Informational Meeting for Bartlesville Recall Election

A special meeting was held at Calvary Chapel in Bartlesville Tuesday evening to present a case to the public for recall elections of three Bartlesville City Council Members after they voted in favor of an agreement between the city and Oklahomans for Equality regarding drag show performances.
This stemmed from last fall's Pride event at Tower Center at Unity Square where a drag show was held outdoors and in public view of children.
Shortly after the event, a petition was created and then signed by many members of the community asking the city to craft an ordinance to forbid adult entertainment in public places and away from children.
Four speakers addressed the audience. Caleb Gordon began the meeting setting the tone for the night with prayer and scripture and announcing that there would be no questions from the audience and that this was strictly and informational gathering.
Samantha Williamson, 22, who recently spoke at a recent city hall meeting on this issue, took what she read in the agreement between the city Oklahomans for Equality to be in conflict with what the citizens had requested.
Aaron Vaughn then spoke to bring an understanding to what a representative government is by using biblical scripture to underscore that leaders are in place by God and that if they rule in a manner in which is not of God's way, it is up to the individual to do what is good and just.
Dustin Owen, a youth pastor, re-enforced much of what Vaugh had said but with a sense of urgency.
Sarah Burnett with closed the meeting by carefully displaying and explaining the packets for those to use when collecting signatures for recall in the wards represented by Mayor Copeland, Vice-Mayor Curd and City Councilor Loren Roszel.
In order to trigger a recall election in any of the wards, at least 20% of residents of each ward must sign on the that particular petition.
Examples of the packet and the petitions HERE
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