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Washington County

Posted: Mar 04, 2023 6:15 AMUpdated: Mar 04, 2023 6:15 AM

Bartlesville Man Arrested on 2nd Degree Robbery

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Chase McNutt

A Bartlesville man was seen in Washington County Court on Friday afternoon on the charge of 2nd degree burglary. Kirby Bailey Jr. was arrested Thursday evening around 7 pm. According to an affidavit, a concerned party called police to say he saw a person in his kitchen via his security camera, and that person was Bailey Jr.


When an officer arrived at the residence, he saw Bailey Jr walking through the front yard of the residence towards Yale, when he was ultimately detained. Bradley Thompson, the reporting party, arrived on the scene shortly and told officers he was the custodian of the house due to his father’s recent passing.


Bailey Jr. was sitting on the front lawn next to two Victorian style lamps that he had taken from the residence that were returned. BPD took Bailey Jr. in only to discover that he had already previously been convicted of burglary. He is currently being held over on a $20,000 bond and his next court date is set for March 24th.

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