Posted: Jan 13, 2023 11:50 AMUpdated: Jan 13, 2023 11:50 AM
Dewey Homecoming Friday

This is Homecoming week at Dewey High school and in conjunction with the festivities this week, KRIG has been bringing you interviews all week with Bulldogger homecoming royalty. Tonight’s program starts at 5:45 on KRIG 104.9 and it will feature, senior attendant Tania Salinas, daughter of Maria Salinas.
Also featuring senior attendant Emme Swaim, daughter of Landon and Kelsi Swaim with escorts Cooper Eutsler, son of Jeannie and Rick Eutsler, and finally Jacob VanAtta. He is the son of Amy & Jason VanAtta.
These interviews are brought to you by Totah Communications, Totel CSI, Bartnet IP and Sunrise Donuts. Homecoming coronation is tonight right before the tip – off of the boy’s game against Caney Valley at 6:30 pm.
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