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Posted: Nov 22, 2022 9:26 AMUpdated: Nov 22, 2022 9:49 AM

Butterball Turkey Hotline

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Tom Davis
We talked some "turkey"on COMMUNITY CONNECTION on Tuesday with Phyllis from the Butterball Turkey Hotline.
According to Phyllis, it all began in 1981, when six home economists worked the phones that holiday season to answer about 11,000 turkey-cooking questions. Since then, the Turkey Talk-Line has grown, both in number of calls answered and experts responding.
Open every November and December, our more than 50 experts answer more than 100,000 questions from households across the United States and Canada.
From late-night talk shows to top news publications, our Butterball Turkey Talk-Line expert advice is shared far and wide, helping hosts feel confident in the kitchen and pull off a successful Thanksgiving year after year.
 Call 1-800-BUTTERBALL or text 844-877-3456 to chat with their turkey experts.

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