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Posted: Oct 09, 2022 5:32 PMUpdated: Oct 09, 2022 5:32 PM

Routine Traffic Stop Lands Man in Jail on Outstanding Warrants

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Victoria Edwards

A man going 47 mph on Highway 75 in a 35 mph zone was stopped on a routine traffic violation but arrested for outstanding warrants. Michael Glenn Tweedy was in Washington County Court on Friday, October 7 for his traffic stop violations, which included driving without a license, possession of a controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia and received a $500 bond.

The judge then ordered him held over on another $500 bond for outstanding warrants from another agency regarding failing to appear in court twice to answer for wildlife tickets he had been issued earlier in the year.

Tweedy was given a court date of October 26 to resolve the tickets and new charges.

NOTE: A photo was requested from authorities but has not yet been received.

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