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Posted: Aug 28, 2022 8:48 AMUpdated: Aug 28, 2022 8:53 AM

Special Record Sale and Show to Help Vets with PTSD

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Tom Davis
Our COMMUNITY CONNECTION program on Friday featured a very special guest, Ari Crane.
Ari is a former US Army commissioned officer who has taken the time to examine post tramatic stress disorder or PTSD and what tratments are available and which one work better than others.
During his course of research, Ari Crane found that analog music at certain frequencies can help ease the mind and, at times, aid inthe physical healing process. 
Ari is now starting a non-profit to put a $40- Crsoley record player and some selected records in the hands of veterans and others with PTSD. To get things started, he is hosting a record show and sale on Saturday, September 10, at Crossing 2nd from noon to 4pm with thousands of records from which to choose. Proceeds will go directly to the mission.
Ari cited several studies for us on Music Therapy for Veterans: How Music  Can Heal and Rehabilitate 
In 1950, the American Music Therapy Association was created to serve veterans after volunteers saw how music made a positive impact on WWII veterans. Today, music therapy has become a popular field among mental health professionals. Many studies confirm the success of music therapy in treating different problems for patients, particularly veterans. 
Music therapy services are available to veterans of all wars, including Iraq and Afghanistan. With the guidance of trained, board certified music therapists, veterans can overcome whatever issues they may be facing. 
1. Music Can Help Improve Communication 
2. Music Based Treatments Assist with Cognitive Rehabilitation 
3. Heals Emotional and Social Problems 
4. Music Therapy Treatment Rebuilds Physical Muscles and Coordination 
5. Providing Lasting Healing for Veterans 
Several empirical studies showed that employing music therapy to address PTSD and its symptoms have yielded the following outcomes: 
Improved feelings of self-worth and reduction of isolation using group drumming therapy. (Bensimon, Amir, & Wolf, 2008) 
Significant reduction of post traumatic stress symptoms using CBT alone or CBT with additional 10 weeks of music therapy. (Carr et al., 2011) 
Improved sleep quality and reduced anxiety symptoms after five (5) days of group therapy, with music and progressive relaxation script for half of the participants. (Hernandez-Ruiz, 2005) 
Reduction in anxiety within-group. No change in depression or social relationship satisfaction after applying music therapy for half the participants; variable length of treatment. (Gold et al., 2014) 
Music healed mice that experienced pain relief after being played classical songs July 8th 2022 by Brian Tomorrow. Wire scientists have discovered how different sounds can blunt pain in mice after playing classical music to injured rodents based injured rodents they say the work could lead to safer treatments of pain in humans that rely less on opioids. 
Studies dating back to the 1960s have shown that music and other sounds can help reduce pain during dental and medical surgery, child delivery and cancer. However, exactly how the brain is able to process that pain reduction, or analogiza, has been less clear. 
Human brain imaging studies have implicated certain areas of the brain and music induced analogies up but these are only associations that explain the study, according to author Dr.Kevin Lou of the National Institute of Dental. He added that In animals, we can more fully explore and manipulate the circuitry to identify the neural substrates involved. 
3 types of sound were played to mice with inflamed paws pleasant classical music and unpleasant reeragement of the same classical piece and white noise. 
They found a route from the auditory cortex which receives and processes information about sound to the thalamus which acts as a relay station for sensory signals including pain, from the body. In freely moving mice, low volume white noise reduce the activity of neurons at the receiving end of the thalamus.
In some VA hospitals and medical centers, music therapy programs include support groups for veterans with PTSD to share music that reflects their feelings. These groups act as a musical "show and tell," where members can practice relating to one another in a safe space through music. Nov 2, 2020 
Some "sound" recommendations include, "432Hz to sleep Mozart Symphony number 41 Jupiter by Brahms . Spotify & Soundcloud for digital 174Hz Debussy - Violyn Marconi Union - weightless Horizon live - Tangerine Dream Prophecies - Philip Glass Rain - George Winston Voice in blue -Kitaro Don't bother the're here - stars of the lid Path 5 (Delta) Max Richter & Grace Davidso Celestial vibration by soul jazz records Gregorian chanting." 


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