Posted: Aug 18, 2022 6:26 AMUpdated: Aug 18, 2022 6:26 AM
FREE Biblical Citizenship in Modern America 8 Week Course

Tom Davis
We are just a few weeks away from beginning our third Patriot Academy Constitution class entitled Biblical Citizenship in Modern America! The eight week course, hosted by Billie Roane, will begin on Thursday, September 15, 6:15pm-8:30pm at the Bartlesville Public Library in Meeting Room C located on the main floor. The class is being sponsored by the Washington County GOP with Billie Roane again serving as the host!
This class will explore the relationship between biblical values and constitutional rights, emphasizing Americans’ duty to uphold both. It will delve deeper into the Biblical foundation of our country and its heritage which brought such a brave and courageous people to declare independence from Britain, pledging their lives, their wealth and their sacred honor.
This is an exciting opportunity to learn the truth of the Biblical principles on which this nation was founded and truly realize how far Americans have moved away from those founding principles and what we can do to return. If you are not a church go-er or have not picked up a Bible in a long time or ever, please do not allow that to keep you from coming to the class. Roane is convinced that the United States of America will be at its best when Christians and non-Christians alike understand and respect the wisdom of the Bible and the Constitution. I recall what we learned in Constitution Alive class that our unalienable God given rights spoken of in the Constitution are not just for Americans-they are meant for every man, woman and child who has been created.
Rick Green, Patriot Academy founder, was quoted as saying, "A constitutional republic works best when citizens follow the biblical commands on everything from obeying just laws, proper taxation, work ethic, loving your neighbor, freedom of choice, free market principles and so many other issues that affect our daily lives." I completely agree with Rick and it is has never more evident than now when we see the exact opposite happening.
As in Constitution Alive, Rick Green will lead off the video presentations and David Barton, Wallbuilders, will take us into the archives of his awe inspiring collection of historical documents and relics, but there are also several other speakers that you may be familiar with- Kirk Cameron, Mark Meckler, Michelle Bachman and Rabbi Daniel Lapky just to name a few. I trust you will be able to gain a wealth of information and understanding and enjoy hearing their presentations, as well. And, yes-Rick Green will be including some of his corniest jokes, as well!
Registration works the same as with our last class-just go to and click on Biblical Constitution (Find A Class) to register and as always, the class is free of charge and includes a free digital workbook!
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