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Posted: Apr 18, 2022 11:08 AMUpdated: Apr 18, 2022 11:09 AM

Wash. Co. 4-H Thanks Volunteers, Invites Others to Join

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Garrett Giles

April is National Volunteer Month and Washington County 4-H is thankful for its dedicated volunteers who teach, lead, and inspire their 4-H members every day.

The staff at Washington County 4-H states that the impact 4-H has would not be the same without the contributions of their volunteers, including:  Shannon Adcock, Paula Barnes, Cory Blum, Brooke Burdick, Jarred Burdick, JJ Cantrell, Kristie Hatlestad, Hannah Hough, Carrie Lewis, Rebecca Moses and Debbie Thoreson. Thanks is also given to those who volunteer their time to serve as contest judges.

Pictured below: 4-H Club Leaders Kristie Hatlestad of Mutual 4-H, Carrie Lewis of Dewey 4-H and Shannon Adcock from the Washington County 4-H Beef Club learn new STEM activities they can do with their cups during a 4-H Volunteer Training.


What is 4-H?

It is the largest youth organization that empowers young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. Washington County 4-H is through the OSU Cooperative Extension Service located in Dewey and led by Extension Educator, Jenifer Harbour. 4-H is open to any youth who lives in Washington County and are in grades Kindergarten through twelfth grade. 

Science, Citizenship, Technology, Photography, Leadership, Gardening and Food Science are just a few of the thing’s youth can do through 4-H. Are you wanting to get your child involved in a hands-on, learn-by-doing program that allows them to pick from a broad menu of projects to develop their own pathway? Why not Washington County 4-H? 

How can I volunteer?

Adults can volunteer their time with Washington County 4-H a few different ways. One is by becoming a certified 4-H volunteer to serve as a club leader or project leader. Another form of certified volunteerism is to share your skills or hobbies through short term 4-H programs. Besides serving as a certified 4-H volunteer, Washington County 4-H is always looking for individuals to judge their County-wide contests such as Public Speaking, Job Readiness and Food Showdown.

Pictured above: Mutual 4-H Club Leader Kristie Hatlestad taking part at the Junior 4-H Roundup workshop at the Tulsa Glass Blowing School.


For more information about Washington County 4-H clubs or how to volunteer, contact Jenifer Harbour with the Washington County Extension Office at 918.534.2216.

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