Washington County Commissioners
Posted: Mar 14, 2022 2:08 PMUpdated: Mar 14, 2022 2:09 PM
Wash. Co.: Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Plan Approved
A resolution regarding the Washington County Multi-Jurisdictional, Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is adopted.
Washington County Emergency Management (WCEM) Deputy Director Eric Ashlock tells the Washington County Commissioners that they have made it through all the state and federal review of the plan. Ashlock says they are only waiting on the resolutions from all the jurisdictions involved. He says WCEM has projects in the works.
Ashlock says the annex for a community-wide wildlife protection plan was added at the end as approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). He says they have three mitigation plans in process with the Department of Forestry, as they use Washington County as a pilot project. A location by the shopping mall in Bartlesville, Circle Mountain, and a location by Jarrett Farms have been looked over for the possibility to do some fuels reduction.
The plan will be good for up to five years. Once the plan is accepted by all jurisdictions, it will be posted on WCEM's website.
Ashlock says the plan allows them to go out for storm shelter grants and to facilitate the storm siren upgrade that he spoke on last week during the Commissioners' meeting.
The Washington County Commissioners unanimously approved the plan on Monday morning.
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