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City of Dewey

Posted: Jan 18, 2022 7:07 PMUpdated: Jan 18, 2022 7:41 PM

Dewey City Council Honors Breshears in Meeting

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Garrett Giles

The Dewey City Council cruises through a light meeting and honors a dedicated employee.

City Clerk Annette Breshears was recognized by the Dewey City Council on Tuesday night. Breshears was recognized for her 25 years of service to the City and its citizens. She said she loves her City of Dewey family; if one cries, they all cry.

Pictured left to right: Dewey Mayor Tom Hays and City Clerk Annette Breshears.

Mayor Tom Hays presented Breshears with a certificate from Oklahoma Municipal League, Inc., and a coveted pin. Hays thanked Breshears for all that she does. He joked that the City wouldn't know what to do if Breshears didn't show up to work.

In other business, COVID-19 prevented the Dewey City Council from entering into executive session to discuss matters pertaining to economic development.

Mayor Hays explained that there was supposed to be a meeting on Tuesday that never happened because of virus-related illnesses. He said there was no reason for the Council to enter into executive session because of the postponed meeting, which has been rescheduled for a later date.

City Manager Kevin Trease, Councilman Wayne Sell and Councilman Cordell Rumsey were marked absent for Tuesday night's meeting.

Even though the Council tabled the executive session, Mayor Hays did present the latest sales tax report during the meeting. Hays says the City of Dewey’s numbers were promising as the use tax came in at $23,835.20. He says the General Fund sales tax came in at $87,273.13.

Sanitation customers may be relieved to know that at least one of the City’s dump trucks may be back in commission on Wednesday.

Members of the Dewey Public Works Authority (DPWA) on Tuesday night noted how two of the City’s dump trucks went down late last week due to mechanical issues, causing delays in service. It was also noted that the newer truck may be back to working condition.

Dewey’s sanitation crew will work hard through the cold, wintery conditions in the days to come to get caught up on collecting your trash.

The DPWA meets directly after each Dewey City Council meeting.

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