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Posted: Jan 10, 2022 1:48 PMUpdated: Jan 10, 2022 2:16 PM

Rotarians to Send Donations to Kentucky Tornado Victims

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Garrett Giles

District 6110 Rotarians are living by their mantra of "Service above self" as they collect donations to help victims in Kentucky that lost everything to a tornado last December.

Bartlesville Rotary Club President John J. Kane and President-Elect Karen Lowe-Alton say they are helping where they can. Lowe-Alton says they will meet in the Bartlesville Community Center parking lot, 300 SE Adams Boulevard, at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday to collect items. She says she will take anything they can fit in a rental trailer headed to Tulsa.

Lowe-Alton says the families in Kentucky had their Christmas blown away, so they are doing what they can to make Christmas possible for them in January. She says you can still make Christmas possible (for them) by reaching out

Lowe-Alton says District 6110 has agreed to match monetary donations up to $5,000 as well. She says funds that they collect will go directly to District 6110.

Kane says it is neat to see individual Rotary Clubs coming together to impact major change domestically, especially with the victims of the Kentucky tornadoes. He says this is just another example of Rotarians to exemplify the "Service above self" part of being a Rotarian.

Donations will be supplied through Medical Supply Network, Inc. (MSNI). Supplies that are being accepted are as follows:


  • Clothing
  • Gifts/toys
  • Personal care items
  • Hats/gloves
  • Diapers
  • Formula
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Batteries
  • Gift cards - VISA, Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot
  • Portable air compressors and air mattresses
  • Bedding towels
  • Pillows
  • Blankets


The requested supplies are anticipated to arrive in Elizabethtown, Kentucky on Jan. 22 or Jan. 23.

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