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County Commissioners

Posted: Dec 27, 2021 10:43 AMUpdated: Dec 27, 2021 10:43 AM

Osage County Commissioners Accept Donation of Grants

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Ty Loftis

At Monday's Board of Osage County Commissioners meeting, District Three Commissioner Darren McKinney informed the public that they were still not getting accurate numbers from the Oklahoma State Department of Health. District One Commissioner Randall Jones said he spoke with the local health department to inquire about getting more rapid tests to the county.


The Board signed two resolutions at Monday's meeting. The first was to assist the Country Corner Fire District Purchase an ambulance. The other was to help The City of Barnsdall with the Lake Waxoma Dam project.


The Board of Osage County Commissioners also accepted the donation of $15,000 to purchase two side-by-side ATVs. There were no utility permits signed at the meeting.


The next regularly scheduled Board of Osage County Commissioners meeting will be next Monday at 10 a.m. 

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