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City of Dewey

Posted: Dec 23, 2021 4:02 PMUpdated: Dec 24, 2021 9:01 AM

Dewey Council to Consider Medical Marijuana Ordinance

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Garrett Giles

The odor from some medical marijuana establishments stirs the Dewey City Council to consider taking action.

During the Council's discussion on the matter this week, City Manager Kevin Trease said that there were several complaints from citizens regarding the smell from facilities in town. Trease says he looked to other cities to see what ordinances they have in place to handle this issue. He says there are some rulings that they may be able to adopt to alleviate complaints.

Trease says ordinances such as these get adopted because cities are having the same issues that they are having in Dewey. He says it is easier to go over the rulings that other cities have and determine whether or not it fits Dewey's needs.

Medical marijuana processing and research is another spot that the City of Dewey has its eyes on. Trease says they currently have no regulations when it comes to these two topics. He says cities general tend to push this out towards their industrial parks and out of residential zones.

There are three grow operations in Dewey. Trease says the ordinance regarding the odor would be directed towards all medical marijuana fields (i.e. grow operations, dispensaries, etc.)

No action was taken. Trease says the earliest this item would be brought back before the Council would be in their second meeting in January. He says it is time to look at their ordinances in this area and get them up-to-date.

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