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Posted: Dec 03, 2021 12:31 PMUpdated: Dec 04, 2021 2:42 AM

Lino Named Bartlesville Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year

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Tom Davis
This year's Great Futures Luncheon at the Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville featured 5 outstanding Youth of the Year finalists hoping to win the Youth of the Year award on Friday. Those 5 finalists included: Kaelyn Duncan, Eli Lino, Kirany Orphin, Josh Rimpley and Harmony Smith.
While all finalists were deserving of the award only one could win. Eli Lino was named the 2021 Youth of the Year by Brad Doenges from the Doenges Family of Autos.
Congratulations to Eli Lino on being named the 2022 Youth of the Year.
Being named Youth of the Year is the highest honor a Boys & Girls Club member can receive. As Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s premier youth recognition program, Youth of the Year recognizes outstanding contributions to a member’s family, school, community, and Boys & Girls Club, as well as overcoming personal challenges and obstacles. 
Executive Director Jason Barta also announced at the event that the Boys and Girls Club is at about 70 precent of where they need to be to start building a new Boys and Girls Club facility in Dewey.
Photo courtesy: Bartlesville Boys & Girls Club

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