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Posted: Aug 10, 2021 7:39 AMUpdated: Aug 10, 2021 9:07 AM

Oklahoma Union Schools to Start 2021-2022 School Year with Their Back to School Plan

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Tom Davis
Oklahoma Union  Schools open the 2021-2022 school year onTuesday, August 17, 2021. Here are some thing you need to know about their Back to School Plan: 
Oklahoma Union will conduct traditional in-person school operations as appropriate based on the most recent requirements from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Oklahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma State Department of Education, and local and tribal health departments. Instruction will pivot to distance learning for students as conditions require. The Superintendent will decide to activate distance learning for classrooms, buildings, or the district as necessary. See the district Return to Learn Plan for details on the recommendations and requirements based on current cases of COVID-19.
OKU will make every effort to promote healthy practices and protocols. Social distancing will be implemented when feasible. Masks are recommended for all non-vaccinated students and staff. Our staff will monitor reportable illnesses. Oklahoma Health Department guidance will be utilized for quarantine (see the district updated Quarantine Guidelines for more information). OKU will follow city, county, and State mandates. Requirements and recommendations are subject to change.
School Operations – District Wide 
  • All bus drivers will be provided with a mask and/or face shield and gloves. 
  • Students will sit in assigned seats.   
  • Bus windows to be left open for airflow, as weather permits.
  • Daily disinfecting of buses will occur using the electrostatic sprayers.
  • Parents/Guardians are encouraged to transport their child(ren) if possible. 
  • NO FOOD or DRINK will be consumed while on the bus.
Health Screenings:
In an effort to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, especially during a pandemic or public health crisis, Oklahoma Union School District may implement the following protocol to control and restrict access to school property, activities and events:
Oklahoma Union encourages parents, legal guardians, and all school employees to self-screen at home.  If a student or employee has a temperature of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the student or employee should remain at home until the individual has been free of fever for thirty-six hours.  
Oklahoma Union may screen any individual who enters a school facility; whose screening process may include taking temperatures, asking health-related questions, and isolating those that have symptoms of a communicable disease.  Parents or legal guardians will be notified if a student has a temperature of 100.0 degree Fahrenheit or higher to pick the child up immediately from school. 
Contact Tracing:  
The Superintendent and other District representatives have attended Zoom and/or Google meetings with State and/or local health departments, OSDE departments, and other organizations to be informed on the status of infections, testing, vaccines, and CDC guidance for prevention habits, isolation, and quarantine in order to keep our students and staff as safe as possible and to maintain in-person learning for most Oklahoma Union students. Students and staff who are fully vaccinated are not required to quarantine if they are traced to a positive exposure. Each site has staff trained as contact tracers for COVID-19 and are prepared to initiate quarantine notices as necessary.
Diagnostic and Screening testing:  
Oklahoma Union Public School supports District students and staff who want COVID-19 testing as appropriate. Oklahoma Union Schools will remain in close collaboration with the Washington County Health Department and support staff and students who seek tribal health services who also offer COVID-19 screening and vaccinations.
Vaccinations to school communities:  
Oklahoma Union will coordinate with the Caring Van of Oklahoma to offer immunizations to students and staff.  As feasible, information will be provided to students, parents, and staff about vaccination sites and opportunities within the community.  The District will act in accordance with state and federal law with respect to vaccinations for its staff and eligible students. 
Coordination with State and local Health officials:  
The Washington County Health Department, Oklahoma Department of Health, and area tribal health centers continue to support the students and staff of Oklahoma Union School. The District receives regular information about outbreaks, COVID-19 screening tests, and vaccination clinics. The District remains in close contact with the Oklahoma State Department of Education, the Oklahoma Department of Health, and other local health agencies concerning the level of outbreaks and safety protocols enacted in Oklahoma and our local area.
June 2021 Part III – Updated Compliance for the District’s Previously Adopted Plan for the Safe Return to In-person Instruction and Continuity of Services:  Section 2001(i)(3) of the ARP Act states that a school district that developed a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services prior to the date of enactment of the ARP Act will be deemed to have met the requirement to develop a plan under section 2001(i)(1) as long as the plan meets the statutory requirements (i.e., is publicly available on the LEA's website and was developed after the LEA sought and took into account public comment). 
The Oklahoma Union School District’s plan meets the requirements of Section 2001(i)(1) and (i)(2) of the ARP Act. The Oklahoma Union Safe Return to In-person Instruction and Continuity of Services plan is available on our website and, as noted above, was developed through a process that included public comment. We have considered the input of all affected parties and have carefully deliberated regarding the best possible means by which our district can provide safe effective learning environments for each of our students.
More Info at https://www.okunion.k12.ok.us/vnews/display.v/ART/60d2544b27564

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