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Memorial Day

Posted: May 31, 2021 12:19 PMUpdated: May 31, 2021 12:19 PM

Veterans Honored at Memorial Day Service in Ramona

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Ty Loftis

Veterans were honored at the Ramona Cemetery on Memorial Day, as nearly 100 people gathered to remember their fallen loved ones. Vietnam Veteran and member of the American Legion Post #334 Lester Gagan told the audience what this day is all about.


District Three Commissioner for Washington County, Mike Dunlap has been coming to Memorial Day gatherings for 15 years now. Dunlap said the time and effort that the Legion Post puts in to keep their fallen comrades spirit alive is noteworthy and he wanted the county to honor them with a plaque.


We at Bartlesville Radio also thank all who served and continue to serve in the U.S. military.

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