City of Bartlesville
Posted: May 31, 2021 9:29 AMUpdated: May 31, 2021 9:56 AM
Memorial Day Service Held at White Rose Cemetery
A sizable crowd turned out at the White Rose Mausoleum in Bartlesville on Memorial Day to honor the nation's service men and women.
Lents Prendergast with American Legion Post 105 was the guest speaker. Prendergast said everyone was gathered to recall and honor the sacrifices made by the one-million heroes while defending the country since the American Revolution. He said most of us won't truly understand the depths of their despair unless we've truly experienced it, but we can always offer our support.
Prendergast said we can place flags and wreaths on their graves, and we can donate to charities that provide for the families. He said we can look at the surviving brothers and sisters in arms and thank them for their services.
Boy Scout Troop 6 with Leader Charles Lewis conducted the flag opening ceremony and pledge of allegiance. Tom Windle and the Sons of the American Revolution performed a rifle presentation later in the ceremony. Kim Inman, the White Rose Cemetery Coordinator, read poetry while the Daughter of the American Revolution presented a wreath to honor fallen soldiers as well.
Pastor Chuck McCarthy with The Bible Church led the invocation.
45 fallen soldiers that were killed in action (KIA) were listed in the service pamphlet. This list, however, was not an all-encompassing list. You can notify the cemetery office if you have any information about a solider KIA who was not listed, which includes soldiers who were killed in action while fighting overseas and those who died of the Spanish Influenza epidemic while serving in World War I.
That list of soldiers can be found here.
The White Rose Cemetery Office is located at the Bartlesville Public Library at 401 S. Johnstone Avenue. You can also call them at 918.338.4070, or send an email to
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