Local News
Posted: May 28, 2021 9:05 AMUpdated: May 28, 2021 9:05 AM
Dewey Antique Association Antique Show June 5
Tom Davis
The 30th annual Dewey Antique Show and Sale will be held on Saturday, June 5, with a wide selection of antiques available to fit your budget.
Gail Inman, the show's manager, appeared on COMMUNITY CONNECTION on Friday and sais the show will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Washington County Fairgrounds, 1109 N. Delaware in Dewey. Admission is $5.
There will be vendors from 5 states that specialize in antique glassware, tools, linens, mid-century items, furniture, primitives, books, paper memorabilia, Western collectibles, architectural salvage, toys, kitchen collectibles, jewelry, vintage signs, quilts and posrcards. Inman said collectible radios will be a part of the show this year, too!
Most of the vendors are members of the nonprofit Antiques and Collectibles Association and are knowledgeable about the items they sell.
Gail Inman told us the Antiques and Collectible Association uses the proceeds from tickets sales to help in the community by offering scholarships to graduating high school seniors, helping needy families at Christmas and other community groups. The association also helps the Tom Mix museum, the Dewey Hotel and more plus events in Washington County.
While you are there, enjoy the music of Joyful Strings and food will be available for purchase from Bambino's.
If you would like more information about this show or The Antiques and Collectible Association, contact Leah 918-440-3375 or Gail at 918-333-5200. Please like the group's page at and Collectibles Association
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