Washington County
Posted: May 24, 2021 1:46 PMUpdated: May 24, 2021 1:46 PM
Wash. Co. Seeks Public Input in Hazard Mitigation Plan
Eric Ashlock, the Community Development Director for Washington County Emergency Management, presented a Hazard Mitigation Plan and request for public input on Monday morning. He also presented a project completion certification for Washington County's community-wide wildfire protection plan.
The total cost on the wildfire protection plan came in at $32,136.34. Ashlock said the federal share that they paid to Oklahoma Forestry was $23,159.86. He said rural firefighters get an in-kind of $8,976.48.
The completion of the community-wide wildfire protection plan was an annex to the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Ashlock said WCEM is in the process of updating their county-wide Hazard Mitigation Plan. He said they've been sending this out to stakeholders (i.e. schools, small towns, etc.).
The next step is to post that up on the WCEM's website and their Facebook page. Ashlock said they're looking to make that available by Tuesday, June 1st. He asks the public to look at the plan, make comments, and get to know the community and some of its hazards.
This process is done every five years. Ashlock said not much has changed in the past five years aside from the historic flooding event that took place in 2019. Commissioner Mitch Antle said any input they can get from the public regarding this plan is critical to Washington County.
The Washington County Commissioners approved this item on a 2-0 vote. Commissioner Mike Bouvier was absent from Monday's meeting.
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