Posted: May 12, 2021 9:33 AMUpdated: May 17, 2021 9:55 AM
Bartlesville D.A.R./S.A.R. Black Robed Regiment Special Event Set for Thursday, May 20

Tom Davis
The Bartlesville Daughters of the American Revolution and the Sons of the American Revolution invite you to a Black Robed Regiment presentation with Rev. Dan Fisher on Thursday, May 20, at 7:00 pm. (a potluck for the DAR/SAR only prior to the event)
The event takes place at First Wesleyan Church at 1776 Silver Lake Rd in Bartlesville and admission is free.
Appearing on COMMUNITY CONNECTION on Wednesday, Deb Cook with the DAR and Reverend Dan Fisher gave a preview on the Black Robed Regiment presentation.
In 2008, Dan said he started presenting what has become his highly acclaimed “Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment” presentation. In it, he tells the amazing and inspiring story of the Patriot Pastors of the 18th century who preached the biblical principles of liberty and government from their pulpits and who, when the time came, led the men of their congregations and communities off to defend those principles on the battlefields of our War of Independence.
Over the years, the “Black Regiment” presentation has grown into a “true” stage production with Dan in full period costume using multimedia and actual “identified” relics from our War of Independence to challenge today’s church to stand for liberty as the 18th century church did. As he warns, “If today’s church does not stand as our founding generation stood, we will not only lose our republic, but our liberties as well.”
After serving as a state representative, Dan returened to preaching. He is the co-pastor of Fairview Baptist, Edmond, OK where he serves beside Pastor Paul Blair.
Dan’s vision and prayer is that the American church will regain the “spirit” of the original “Black Regiment” and once again actively engage in the defense of truth and liberty. Through his work as pastor, state representative, and leader in the modern Black Regiment movement, Dan endeavors to see that vision fulfilled.
Deb Cook reminded listeners that the Bartlesville Chapter NSDAR was organized on June 15, 1915, just 25 years after the founding of the National Society on October 11, 1890. "We are a patriotic service organization dedicated to promoting the National Society's objectives of patriotism, education, historic preservation, and service to our community. Ongoing projects include activities to support the Claremore Veterans Center and Bacone College in Muskogee, Oklahoma," said Cook.
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