Dewey Public Schools
Posted: Apr 05, 2021 4:56 PMUpdated: Apr 05, 2021 7:50 PM
DPS Approves Sale of $1.2M G.O. Building Bonds

The Dewey Public Schools Board of Education has approved a resolution determining the maturities of, and setting a date, time and place for the sale of the $1.2 million General Obligation Building Bonds of the School District.
This took place in a special meeting on Monday evening. Superintendent Vince Vincent said this is the school's last series of bonds that they're selling from their 2013 Bond Issue. He said the sale will take place on Tuesday, May 25th, 2021, at noon.
The sale will be held in McCrary Conference Room of the DPS Administration Building located at 1 Bulldogger Road. Vincent said the bids will be due at 11:45 a.m. the day of the sale.
The regular DPS Board of Education meeting followed. The Board approved the authorization of the school district's attorney, in consultation with the Superintendent of Schools, to initiate legal action against the Oklahoma State Board of Education ("Board") to address the equalization of funding as set forth in the Board's Resolution approved at the Board's special meeting on March 25th, 2021.
From there, the Board approved the purchase of a new wheelchair accessible bus. Superintendent Vincent said it would be a Thomas Bus from North Carolina. He said they could get the bus within 30 to 40 days.
Dewey School's also approved the Department of Rehabilitation Services Transition School to Work work study contract for the 2021-2022 school year.
Then, the DPS Board of Education approved the following letters of resignation:
- Christy Swanson - Dewey Elementary Teacher
- Nancy Malone - Dewey High School Teacher
- Ginger Hinkle - Dewey High School Secretary
- Josh McCoy - Dewey High School / Middle School ISD Monitor/Library Assistant
Swanson, Malone, Hinkle are anticipated to complete the school year. McCoy's resignation took effect immediately since his family moved out of the area.
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