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Posted: Feb 08, 2021 12:13 PMUpdated: Feb 08, 2021 12:13 PM

OLLI Classes Enrollment is Now Open

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Tom Davis
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Oklahoma State University keeps seniors active and social. Geared toward adults 50 and better, OLLI offers courses, travel and social activities to enrich participants’ quality of life and you are encouraged to enroll now.
Amy Finney and Lentz Prendergast with OLLI joined us on COMMUNITY CONNECTION on Monday to explain the benefits of the program. 
All Spring 2021 OLLI courses will be online. The courses will be offered Feb. 15-April 9. Catalogs will be mailed out early January. AMy Finney asked that you follow them  on Facebook for timely information and educational posts. Please email olli@okstate.edu or call 405-744-5868 with any questions or concerns.
There are no requirements. All you need is to be an adult with an interest in continuing your educational experiences and engaging with others. However, membership required to enroll in courses.

Membership options

You must be an OLLI member to enroll in courses. Annual membership runs from July 1 through June 30 each year.


Spring Online Course Offerings

Expand your knowledge through non-credit courses, offered in the fall, spring and summer in four Oklahoma locations. Click below to explore course offerings or enroll in courses now.


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