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Posted: Jan 25, 2021 9:41 AMUpdated: Jan 25, 2021 11:51 AM

Much For Which to be Thankful at Lighthouse Outreach Center

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Tom Davis
The Lighthouse Outreach Center, a Christian-based homeless shelter in Bartlesville, OK, has served thousands of people since its founding in 1992.  
With a maximum capacity of 65 people, the Lighthouse is the only 24-hour homeless shelter within a 50-mile radius. When you consider how many people are being helped, you might be amazed to know that the Lighthouse has never had a COVID-19 outbreak.
Lighthouse Outreach Center Director Errol Hada and Assistant Director Sam Zeppeda appeared on COMMUNITY CONNECTION Monday to give us the good news. Director Hada also said that Lighthouse also received the most donations and cash in its history during the pandemic.
Hada explained how Lighthouse provides food, shelter, and clothing within a family atmosphere of love and peace, based on the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Zeppeda added that the goal is to provide the resources and training to help residents become self-sufficient citizens of the community.
Director Hada also announced a succession plan for leadership at Lighthouse whereby Sam Zeppeda with become the director of the outreach center once he gets old enough to retire.

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