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Washington County

Posted: Jan 14, 2021 9:15 AMUpdated: Jan 14, 2021 11:11 AM

Voter Registration in Wash. Co. Ends on Friday

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Garrett Giles

Washington County Election Board Secretary Yvonne House reminds you that Friday, January 15th is the last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the Tuesday, February 9th Caney Valley Special School or the Collinsville Board of Education Primary.

House said that persons who are United States Citizens, residents of Oklahoma and at least 18 years of age, may apply to become registered voters.

Persons who are not registered to vote or who are registered but need to change their name or address may do so by filling out and mailing an Oklahoma Voter Registration Application form in time for it to be postmarked no later than midnight, Friday, January 15th.  Application forms are available at the County Election Board Office located at 420 S Johnstone, Room 101, and all post offices, public libraries, tag agencies and State Election Board website at elections.ok.gov.

The County Election Board will respond in writing to each person who submits an application for voter registration.  The response will be either a voter identification card listing the new voter’s precinct number and polling place location or a letter that explains the reason or reasons the application for voter registration was not approved.  House said that any person who has submitted a voter registration application and who has not received a response should contact the County Election Board Office.

For more information regarding voter registration, contact the Election Board at 918.337.2850.

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