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Posted: Dec 23, 2020 9:12 AMUpdated: Dec 23, 2020 9:12 AM

Hern Supports Trump Amendments to Funding Package

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Tom Davis

Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released the following statement in response to President Trump’s announcement of his intent to veto the Consolidated Appropriations Act last night.

“I agree with the President: the American people deserve more,” said Rep. Hern. “I am ready to return to Washington to work with him to pass his proposal to increase the funds returning to the American people. I believe that we can pay for these direct payments by eliminating the waste and unnecessary spending in the package that Americans, including myself, disdain.

“I do wish that Secretary Mnuchin, whom I have been critical of in the past, would have been honest with us when he said he spoke for President Trump, asking Republicans to vote for the previous proposal.  I supported getting what aid that we could to American taxpayers and small businesses as quickly as possible, but I believe we now have an opportunity to fix this legislation so that we can bring effective help to the American people.”

Rep. Hern continued, “As incoming Chairman of the RSC Budget and Spending Task Force, I will be working in the new year with a group of strong fiscal conservatives to propose a budget that will balance and start paying down our national debt. We have a long road ahead to get our spending under control. I hope over the next week that I can work with President Trump to cut this out-of-control spending in order to move the money into direct payments to American citizens.”

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