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City of Bartlesville

Posted: Nov 27, 2020 12:38 PMUpdated: Nov 27, 2020 12:38 PM

No Citywide Mask Mandate in Place in Bartlesville

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Max Gross

The City of Bartlesville does not currently have a mask mandate for its citizens. On Monday, the Bartlesville City Council passed an ordinance requiring a mask in all city owned and operated facilities. Also, a public info campaign will be launched to promote COVID-19 prevention measures.

Major cities like Tulsa and Oklahoma City have mask mandates ordinances in place as well as other restrictions. Other Oklahoma cities have discussed such mandates. Sand Springs approved one, while Broken Arrow voted down a resolution for a mask mandate.

A city-wide mandate was not on the agenda for the Bartlesville City Council. However, that didn’t stop one citizen from speaking up in Monday’s meeting. Here’s what Chelsea Wagner had to say.

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt has said he is against a statewide mandate. The governor said a statewide mask mandate would be hard to enforce and it should be a decision left to local leaders.


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