Local News
Posted: Sep 06, 2020 6:46 PMUpdated: Sep 06, 2020 6:46 PM
Dewey Fire Takes Out Brush Fire on Sunday
The Dewey Fire Department was tasked with knocking out a smoldering brush pile fire just before 1:00 p.m. on Sunday.
According to Assistant Fire Chief Cody Meade, the DFD was dispatched to the areas of 2260 N. Osage and 1400 Road. He said grass near the brush pile also caught on fire, pushing northeast to a neighboring property and the 1-Mile Softball Field complex.
In a statement, Meade said: "We’re beginning to see grass fires easing in. Luckily it is still decently green, although dense areas such as this location with nearby residences, the truck stop, softball field complex, you have a lot to protect and ensure a stop and a good mop up. Captain Mike Bolinger and Lt. Mike Black did a great job leading their crew on scene."
Brush 1,2 and Tanker 8 responded. In route Cpt. Bolinger requested Washington County Fire for mutual aid. The fire was knocked down before reaching nearby construction equipment, a residence and the softball fields. Fire lines were mopped up, and the brush pile was soaked down. The scene was cleared.
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