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Posted: Aug 26, 2020 2:50 PMUpdated: Aug 26, 2020 2:51 PM

PODCAST: Sen. Lankford Talks RNC, Post Office, PPP and COVID-19

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Tom Davis
U.S. Senator James Lankford (R) of Oklahoma called in to our Bartlesville Radio Studios today to discuss some trending news items.
We began our discussion comparing the two major party conventions (COVID-19 style). Lankford compared the Democrat National Convention to and infomercial. In contrast, he said the Republican National Convention is featuring real people with real stories of how the Trump administration has affected positively.
We then talks about his recent participation in a Senate hearing with the U.S. Post Master General. Lankford accused the Democrats of nothing more than displaying raw politics by trying to savage a man who had been only the job a little more than two months accusing him of trying to disrupt the November election by purposely slowing down the post office operations. Lankford returned the favor with this line of questioning to the Post Master General -WATCH VIDEO HERE
Senator Lankford also shared with us how he joined Senator Kevin Cramer’s (R-ND) bipartisan Paycheck Protection Small Business Forgiveness Act, which streamlines forgiveness for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans of $150,000 or less if the borrower submits a simple, one-page attestation form to the lender. The approximately 4.2 million PPP loans of $150,000 or less account for 85 percent of all PPP approved loans but only 26 percent of the PPP funds delivered. The bill is endorsed by more than 200 trade groups and associations, earning the support of small business groups like the National Federation of Independent Business, local and national lending associations representing credit unions and bankers, and labor groups.
Lastly, Senator Lankford shared with us his optimism that and effective COVID-19 vaccine will be available shortly. 

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