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Posted: Aug 10, 2020 3:23 PMUpdated: Aug 10, 2020 3:27 PM

Rep. Roberts, Sen. Daniel Attend Signing Ceremony

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Garrett Giles

State Representative Sean Roberts of Hominy, and Sen. Julie Daniels of Bartlesville, attended the ceremonial bill signing for House Bill 2587 and House Bill 2588 on Monday.

HB2587 is the Nondiscrimination in Health Care Coverage Act, and HB2588 allows Oklahoma courts to grant guardians the power to consent to withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining procedures.

House Bill 2587 and House Bill 2588 were formally signed into law in May.

Roberts, who chairs the House Public Health Committee, said HB2587 prohibits any state agency from developing an adjusted life-year calculation for individuals with a disability in order to determine their health care coverage. The bill also requires state agencies to consult with organizations advocating for individuals with disabilities and older adults before implementing health coverage changes.

HB2588 requires issuance of a separate court order that contains specific findings of fact and conclusions of law required under the Oklahoma Advance Directive Act to grant authority to a guardian to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment of a ward.

“I was honored to carry these bills during the legislative session, and I believe their impact will be valuable to our most vulnerable Oklahomans,” Roberts said. “I firmly believe these measures will ensure proper care and treatment for individuals. I appreciate Senator Daniels for serving as Senate author of these bills and the Governor for acting quickly to sign these bills into law."

Both bills were carried in the Senate by Daniels.

“These bills reaffirm that Oklahomans believe each individual life has value,” Daniels said. “Those who are elderly, disabled or chronically ill deserve just as much access to care and treatment as others. Their lives must not be reduced to a calculated formula when critical healthcare decisions are being made.”

HB2587 and HB2588 will take effect Sunday, Nov. 1st.

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