City of Bartlesville
Posted: Jul 01, 2020 3:37 PMUpdated: Jul 01, 2020 5:41 PM
Bartlesville Police Stand with Tulsa Police, Mourn Loss
The Bartlesville Police Department has asked its citizens to say a word of prayer for the two Tulsa Police Officers shot while serving and protecting the City of Tulsa.
Tulsa Police Sergeant Craig Johnson and Officer Aurash Zarkeshan were shot during a traffic stop in Tulsa on Monday morning. On Tuesday, Sgt. Johnson passed from his injuries.
25 to 30 Bartlesville police officers, their wives, their significant others, their children, headed to Tulsa on a whim to show the Tulsa Police Department that they were standing with them.
Ashton Coleman produced a video that the Bartlesville Police Department posted on their Facebook page on Wednesday that shows their visit to Tulsa on Tuesday.
The Bartlesville Police Department and its officers saw it important to head to Tulsa to support another police department in their time of need. Bartlesville Police Chief Tracy Roles said seeing his officers supporting another police department in their time of need was refreshing, impactful, and heartfelt.
It was unknown as to whether or not any of the Bartlesville police officers knew Sgt. Johnson or Officer Zarkeshan personally. What the Bartlesville police officers do know is what both men stood for during their time of service.
Chief Roles said Sgt. Johnson and Officer Zarkeshan stood for the exact same thing that the BPD stands for to this day. He said they stood for keeping the good safe, and for preventing evil from overcoming our cities, and our nation.
The death of Tulsa Police Sgt. Johnson and the hospitalization of Officer Zarkeshan comes at a difficult time in American history as many have called for the defunding of the nation’s police departments.
We need to be better as a society. Chief Roles said if we do not get better as a society, we will see more tragedies like the one that was suffered in Tulsa on Monday. He said Sgt. Johnson and Officer Zakeshan were just two police officers out doing their job when one is shot and killed, and the other is shot and in critical condition.
Some may blame the police department for that tragedy, but Chief Roles said that is simply not true. He said our police officers protect us; our police are the line between good and evil. Without the police, evil will prevail.
Chief Roles said defunding police departments is not the solution to today’s troubles. He said it is the last thing that we need in today's society.
"We don't need to get rid of the police. We do not need to take money away from the police," Roles said. "Let's support our police officers. Let's show them respect."
Likewise, police officers need to show the community and its citizens respect. Until we start respecting one another unconditionally, Chief Roles said nothing will change, which scares him. He said if we respected more people, we would not have the issues that we have today.
This is a difficult time for police departments everywhere in America. Chief Roles said any time a police officer is murdered doing their job to protect their citizens is a big deal. He said an officer's death effects departments nationwide because it calls into question what police departments do every day as they selflessly serve the community.
We live in a society that lacks unconditional respect. Chief Roles said he is fearful to see what things are going to look like for our kids as they grow older because there are several groups that fail to take responsibility and become part of the solution. He said eliminating disrespect on social media may help with this lack of unconditional respect.
So much of our lives are controlled by what we see on social media; if it's on Facebook, it has to be true. Chief Roles said there are so many things on the social media platforms that are anti-human. He said it is "anti-respect for others by the end of the day."
If you or your opinion differs from somebody else online, you are automatically labeled as something. Chief Roles said that is not right. He said we do not need that labeling in our society. That is what causes Chief Roles great fear.
Chief Roles said the work that police officers do is honorable. He said it is a noble profession that is full of selfless servants that are there to protect our communities. Those officers need to stand proud, no matter what happens.
A few bad cops and a few bad actors in the public is not going to destroy law enforcement in America. With that in mind, Chief Roles said they have to continue to fight the good fight. He said if evil continues to present itself, they will deal with, but in a respectful manner.
The response of Bartlesville's police officers to show support to the Tulsa Police Department made Chief Roles proud. He said it showed the good side of law enforcement and what they do on a daily basis.
To listen to the audio feature of this story, click here. Click here to view the video by Coleman.
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