Dewey Public Schools
Posted: May 13, 2020 3:07 PMUpdated: May 13, 2020 3:10 PM
Dewey High Graduation to Take Place on Friday
Graduation has been the elephant in the room for most high schools across the nation during the coronavirus pandemic, but Dewey High School has a plan for a graduation this Friday.
DHS Principal Brent Dugger said they wanted to honor the May 15th date for a graduation ceremony. He said they wanted to hold the graduation in a way that was as in-person and informal as possible.
The plan is to stage three different lots to stage student in in order to minimize large groupings and physical contact. The students will be able to exit their vehicle and walk in front of the high school. There, the students will hear their name announced and they will receive their degree covers.
Once all seniors receive their degree cover, they will be able to parade through town in their cars. Dugger said they have been speaking with the City of Dewey to shut down Delaware and Don Tyler Avenue. He said the general public can come out, practice social distancing and cheer on the students who have graduated.
Dewey Public Schools has even partnered with Bartlesville Radio, who will broadcast the graduation on several platforms. You can listen to the Dewey High School commencement ceremony on KWON AM 1400, FM 93.3, you can stream the broadcast on, or you can watch on Video coverage of the event will be brought to you by Paul Hood & Associates, CPAs.
Dugger said they are hoping to hold a more traditional commencement ceremony at Bulldogger Stadium on Friday, July 17th.
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