City of Bartlesville
Posted: Apr 28, 2020 5:16 PMUpdated: Apr 30, 2020 6:27 AM
Bartlesville Council to Discuss COVID-19 Measures, More

A special Bartlesville City Council meeting will take place virtually on Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 p.m.
In that meeting, the council will review the current COVID-19 mitigation measures and take possible action on an ordinance to amend said mitigation measures. Last Wednesday, Governor Kevin Stitt released a three-phased plan to re-open Oklahoma.
Mayor Dale Copeland responded to the plan, saying clarity will be needed as we take these steps to re-open. He said we are a nation of laws, and the City of Bartlesville wants to operate under those laws.
Last week, Mayor Copeland said it may be a few hours or a day before they would get all the clarity they would like to have. He said they would then be able to plan a path forward to hopefully re-open a little bit at a time. More here.
David Wood, the President of the Bartlesville Development Authority, will provide an update from the COVID-19 Economic Impact Task Force. Wood presented on the local impacts the coronavirus was having on the market sector and timing last Friday.
Assuming that restrictions are lifted, Wood said it could be at least 30-days from the time the restrictions are lifted before they know what the actual economic circumstances are.
More on last Friday's COVID-19 Economic Impact Task Force meeting can be found here.
KWON 1400 and 93.3 will carry the metting live tonight at 7pm. You can also watch the virtual meeting on our Facebook page this evening.
Lastly, the Bartlesville City Council will discuss and take possible action on a contract award for an Interactive Art Feature for the Tower Center at Unity Square.
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