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Posted: Apr 14, 2020 10:52 AMUpdated: Apr 14, 2020 11:35 AM

COVID-19 Impact Grant Program Receives $300K Boost

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Garrett Giles

In response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Bartlesville Regional United Way board of directors approved the creation of the 2020 BRUW COVID-19 Impact Grant Program.

Approved during a regular board meeting on Thursday, April 2nd, the program will allow 501(c)(3) organizations located in Washington, Nowata and Osage counties to apply for grants to support their respective programs and services that address needs directly related to the coronavirus.

BRUW President and CEO Lisa Cary shared exciting news on Tuesday that Phillips 66 was contributing $300,000 to the program. She said they appreciate the donation from Phillips 66. Because of their generosity, Cary said BRUW's program will be more impactful than they ever could have imagined.

The total funding for the program is $340,000, thanks in large part to a generous donation by Phillips 66. Original funding became available when the BRUW board postponed the implementation of the 2020 Community Impact Grant program and transferred the approved $40,000 to the new program. Phillips 66 then contributed $300,000 to the program as part of a $3 million donation which was approved by its board of directors to support COVID-19 relief efforts within communities where the company operates.

Cary said Bartlesville Regional United Way implemented the 2020 BRUW COVID-19 Impact Grant Program to assist area non-profits and now schools which are helping those who have been impacted by the global pandemic known as the coronavirus. She said these are unprecedented and challenging times, and they want to make sure the United Way steps up to meet the needs of those in the communities they serve.

The program is now positioned to help many more non-profits than originally planned thanks to the donation by Phillips 66.

In a statement, Ann Oglesby, the vice president of Technology for Phillips 66, said: “Phillips 66 has long supported the United Way, and I’m pleased we can contribute toward the COVID-19 Impact Grant Program to assist the frontline organizations that are responding to pandemic relief efforts in Bartlesville and the surrounding areas. The United Way recognized a pressing need beyond their agencies when it established the program, and we appreciate and support that vision.”

The BRUW funds the programs of its 13 member agencies, which include organizations such as Mary Martha Outreach, the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, Agape Mission and more. While any of the BRUW’s member agencies can apply for a 2020 BRUW COVID-19 Impact Grant, so too can other area non-profits located in Washington, Nowata and Osage counties.

Area non-profits wishing to apply for a grant may go online to bartlesvilleuw.org or contact Cary via email at Lisa@bartlesvilleuw.org to begin the process. All grant requests, which will be reviewed by a special committee on a “first-come, first-served” basis, will need to define how the money will help fund efforts aimed at mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak. Grant requests will continue to be approved and funded until all money available through the program – $340,000 – has been distributed.

Once activities funded by a grant have been completed, the organization which received the money from the BRUW will be asked to submit a summary to Cary which notes how the funds were spent and how they made a positive impact in the community.

Cary said as a non-profit organization which relies on the generosity of those who make donations to them, BRUW will always strive to be good stewards of the public’s money. As we all fight against the coronavirus, Cary said she thinks helping those who have been negatively impacted by this dreaded disease represents a very wise investment in our community.

A part of the Bartlesville landscape for nearly a century, the BRUW has a stated mission of “leading the fight to improve the health, education and financial stability of every person in our communities.” To learn more, please visit their dedicated website at bartlesvilleuw.org.

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