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Posted: Apr 09, 2020 10:06 AMUpdated: Apr 09, 2020 10:10 AM

Dewey Man that Tested Positive for COVID-19 on the Mend

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Garrett Giles

A few weeks ago, a farmer near Dewey said he tested positive for the coronavirus at the Jane Phillips Medical Center in Bartlesville.

Randy White said he has been feeling better as of late, but he, and his partner, are on the mend. They are still feeling feverish, and the dry cough still bothers them now and again, but they are feeling way better than they did several weeks ago.

White said he is still talking to his nurse from home. He said they told him to contact them after three days without COVID-19 symptoms.

Tuesday was the day White was hoping that he would be on his three-day stretch without COVID-19 symptoms, but he started feeling symptoms associated with the virus again on Wednesday. However, he did send a message out to his nurse on Wednesday because he is not sure if the symptoms he is displaying now are from the virus, or if he is just suffering from allergies. The message was his hope in clarifying what he is going through currently.

White said he does not know what the nurses will tell him once he has gone three days without symptoms. Friends of White that have tested positive for the coronavirus have said their healthcare provider has told them to report back in two to four weeks when they are feeling symptom free. White said he does not know if other providers are handling the situation differently or if they are not quite sure what to do at this point.

Living in the country on a farm has made social distancing a little bit easier. White said they will go into town now and then without coming into contact with anyone or anything. He said not being in physical contact with family has been difficult, but their main concern is that their family stay safe and healthy.

Other than taking care of the animals, White and his partner have not conducted any business from their farm. White said he has an online store, and he has turned it off so they would not be getting any orders at this time. He said they would like to be up and running again in a month, but sadly, that is probably not a reality for them.

In terms of assistance, White said they are getting by. He said they would rather have other people get the funds they need, because any funds sent to the farm would feel like selfish gain. Great neighbors and friends have taken care of them during their circumstances with COVID-19.

White asks that people continue to stay home unless they absolutely need to get out. He said it is discouraging when people get out in droves. In a way it is disrespectful to White, and he wishes more people would wear masks and listen to the guidelines so we can all go back to normal.

Occupying one's time helps. White said he has a couple friends that are going stir crazy because they are always on the go, but they are starting to do a better job of finding things to do during the pandemic.

Lastly, White said he wishes officials would take the situation more seriously. He said Oklahoma could tighten down the regulations a little bit more. Friends in other states have told White what they are doing and how they have seen great decreases in their positive coronavirus cases, which has made him sad because he would like to see that relief for his friends and family here in Oklahoma.

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