Posted: Apr 01, 2020 2:35 PMUpdated: Apr 01, 2020 6:12 PM
Ascension St. John Jane Phillips Talks Testing, More

While the number of hospitalizations caused by COVID-19 at Ascension St. John Jane Phillips in Bartlesville are unknown, President and Chief Operating Officer Mike Moore said they have had to treat patient who have had the virus.
Those who are in the hospital have underlying sicknesses that are medically keeping patients in the hospital. Otherwise, patients are being asked to stay home at home to quarantine for 14-days. A self-monitoring is also given to them to help them check their temperature and the status of two or three other things that are going on with their bodies.
Moore said if you are feeling sick, you need to talk to your medical provider.
Prior to testing, patients are screened. The process involves a series of questions about symptoms, travel history and contact with people who may have had COVID-19.
Patients that meet the criteria provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Oklahoma State Department of Health, will then be tested for the Coronavirus. Moore asks you to keep washing your hands often and to keep distancing yourself from others.
Stay at home. Moore said they want people to stay at home as much as possible, too. He said you can help medical workers, nurses, and physicians flatten the curve if you abide by these recommendations from the CDC.
If you are not ill and have supplies (i.e. masks) that you can donate, please do so. Moore said you can find needs and ways to donate on their local media pages. He said when someone tests positive for the virus in the hospital, they will engage a separate set of protocols that involves masks and more to keep everyone safe.
Staff safety is a top priority at the hospital. Without health doctors and nurses, they would not be able to help their patients otherwise.
Moore said the community has done well in helping the hospital by staying home and socially distancing themselves from others. He added that limiting visitation at the hospital has helped Ascension St. John Jane Phillips a ton, too.
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