Posted: Mar 26, 2020 10:38 AMUpdated: Mar 26, 2020 10:50 AM
Ascension St. John Jane Phillips Reports Good Conditions

Conditions at the Ascension St. John Jane Phillips Medical Center in Bartlesville are good despite the ever growing concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in the nation and around the world.
President and Chief Operating Officer Mike Moore said supplies and staffing. He said they are prepared for what they are going through with the Coronavirus.
Ascension continues to give the hospital the supplies they need. Moore said they are in good shape when it comes to having the ventilators and ICU beds. He said they could get to a point where they will need more ventilators and beds, but it all depends on whether or not the increase in positive COVID-19 cases exceeds the hospital's capability to handle the patients with the ventilators.
There are companies that are beginning to mass produce the ventilators that hospitals need across the United States. Moore said if they run out of the appliance in Bartlesville, they will find another way to care for their patients, or they will have to transport them to another facility.
Testing is taking place at Ascension St. John Jane Phillips on a daily basis. Moore said tests had to be sent to Oklahoma City at the start of the pandemic, but the turnaround was slow. He said their Regional Medical Lab has come online this past week, which has allowed them to clean up their test results. It has helped them get results back within 24 hours.
Moore said they are testing and they are getting results. He said they are not worried about the number of tests or the supply of test in Bartlesville.
No death could be confirmed at this time. Moore said they report their results to the Oklahoma State Department of Health twice a day. He added that they have had some hospitalizations, and that they have built in safety measures and protocols to protect their patients and their staff.
If Jane Phillips knows someone has tested positive for the virus, they will increase their safety measures with masks and keeping hand sanitized. Moore said really restricting visitation at the hospital has helped them tremendously. He said they want to keep their staff safe so they can provide the best care to their patients.
N95 masks are the greatest need at Jane Phillips. Moore said Gov. Kevin Stitt is well aware of every hospitals need across Oklahoma. He said they report their needs to state officials twice a day like they report their tests.
Supplies have slowed some and trimmed slightly. According to Moore, he said Ascension is being proactive to make sure they are getting the supplies they need. When talking about the trimming of supplies, Moore said if they order 1,000 of one item, they may only get half of that ordered supply. Trades with other area hospitals have also been conducted. Moore said everyone is helping one another, which is the biggest thing they need at this time.
The care provided to their COVID-19 patients is said to match that of their mission: Provide Compassionate Care to All Persons. Moore said the hospital staff in Bartlesville is doing a great job of meeting that mission for those they are caring for. He said they deserve the applause at this time of uncertainty.
President Donald Trump said the pandemic could be over by Easter. Moore said everybody has their own predictions though. He said they take this challenge on day-by-day, because everyone is predicting a steep climb into the curb. Even then, Moore said they are going to stay read no matter what happens.
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