City of Bartlesville
Posted: Mar 18, 2020 8:33 AMUpdated: Mar 18, 2020 9:31 AM
Council Approves COVID-19 Measures in Emergency Meeting

The Bartlesville City Council met for an emergency session on Wednesday morning to discuss measures the city is taking due to the COVID-19 virus. The council approved a resolution listing mitigation measures.
City Manager Mike Bailey wanted to assure that these are recommendations by the city and not mandates. Bailey says these prudent, aggressive measures have become necessary. The city is revoking all special event permits and closing portions of city-owned facilities as it sees fit. The Bartlesville Public Library and the Bartlesville Area History Museum are currently closed.
Bailey also said the resolution recommends limiting social, spiritual and recreational gatherings. Although the city has no authority to enforce the limitation Bailey does recommend it. He says knowing what the city has authority to do has always been the question.
The resolution says that gatherings of 50 people or more will not be allowed at city-owned facilities. Although the Open Meetings Act prohibits limiting attendance at City Council and other meetings. Bailey says limiting the risk to first responders is also a priority. The resolution encourages businesses to partake in social distancing measures.
Chad Ellis, a citizen addressed the council. Ellis says he spoke with the council two week ago about COVID-19. Ellis says he wants to see more being done to combat it.
All measures were curated after meetings and conversations with health authorities like the Center for Disease Control and Oklahoma State Department of Health.
A full copy of the release from the city regarding the resolution can be found here.
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