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City of Bartlesville

Posted: Mar 11, 2020 12:45 PMUpdated: Mar 11, 2020 1:48 PM

Bartlesville Police Introduces Behind the Badge Podcast

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Garrett Giles

An introduction to a new podcast set to launch in Bartlesville, which is aimed at keeping the public in touch with the city's law enforcers, was released on Wednesday.

The name of the podcast is called “Behind the Badge,” and it will be a platform for the Bartlesville Police Department to address the public through Facebook and Instagram. Sgt. Daniel Elkins explained that the medium will help them talk to you about issues surrounding the police department, new laws that may affect the police department as they arise, and much more. He said they plan on having a long list of speakers, too, such as police officers, school resource officers, and state officials.

The podcast will also be used to highlight the good work a police officer or K9 officer in Bartlesville has done. Sgt. Elkins said they want to show you the direction the BPD is heading in on the local, state and federal level. He said the BPD recognizes that social media is a platform in which they can communicate with you, and they do not want the opportunity to pass them by.

Once something is on social media, Sgt. Elkins said you own it. He said if something negative is posted, you can feel the repercussions of it. The same goes for posts that might be controversial in the eyes of a few. But it can also be good knowing that it can be a platform to communicate ideas and topics with an audience that needs to know the truth.

It is a double-edged sword, but Sgt. Elkins said the BPD has nothing to hide. He said the police department wants to show that truth to the public.

The first episode for the podcast will launch on Wednesday, March 25th. A new episode for the podcast will be released every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.

The "Behind the Badge" podcast matches well with Chief Tracy Roles' vision for the police department. Sgt. Elkins said that vision is to provide a safe community for you while meeting you where you are.

In a statement on Wednesday, Chief Roles said "We are starting to fil our Behind the Badge video series. This series will stream on social media every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. and will serve as a vehicle of communication so that we can inform our citizens on areas of law enforcement, criminal justice and overall public safety that directly affects Bartlesville and Washington County."

To watch the introduction to the podcast the Bartlesville Police Department shared on Facebook through YouTube, click here.

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