Washington County
Posted: Mar 06, 2020 9:53 AMUpdated: Mar 06, 2020 9:56 AM
Registration Deadline Set for Several Local Elections

Friday, March 13th is the last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the April 7th Election.
The election in Washington County will include the following entities: Bartlesville Public Schools, Caney Valley Public Schools, Copan Public Schools, Collinsville Public Schools, Oklahoma Union Public Schools, the City of Dewey and the City of Bartlesville.
Washington County Election Board Secretary, Yvonne House said that persons who are United States Citizens, residents of Oklahoma and at least 18 years of age, may apply to become registered voters.
Persons who have never been registered to vote before or who are registered but who need to change their name or address may do so by filling out and mailing an Oklahoma Voter Registration Application Form in time for it to be postmarked no later than Midnight, Friday, March 13th, 2020. Application forms are available at the County Election Board Office located at 420 S Johnstone, Room 101, and all post offices, public libraries, tag agencies and the State Election Board website –
The County Election Board will respond in writing to each person who submits an application for voter registration. The response will be either a voter identification card listing the new voter’s precinct number and polling place location or a letter that explains the reason or reasons the application for voter registration was not approved. House said that any person who has submitted a voter registration application and who has not received a response should contact the County Election Board Office.
For more information regarding voter registration, contact the Election Board at 918.337.2850.
Bartlesville voters are set to decide the outcome of two City elections on April 7th that will determine funding for capital projects for the next several years.
The City will hold a General Obligation Bond Election and seek an extension of the existing half-cent Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) sales tax on Election Day. Approval of the measures will result in funding for the city's capital projects over the next several years — without increasing taxes for Bartlesville residents.
"Capital project funding is limited for municipalities to General Obligation Bond funds and sales tax that is specifically allocated by voters for that purpose," said City Manager Mike Bailey. "On April 7, voters will decide funding for nearly $30 million in projects between these two elections, the outcome of which will determine how we proceed in the future and which projects we're able to fund."
It's important to note, Bailey said, that approval of both measures will not result in tax increases for residents.
"The City's mil levy will remain at 15 as existing bonds expire so there is no tax increase associated with the G.O. Bond proposal, and approval of the half-cent CIP sales tax would simply extend the existing tax for another five years," he said, noting that without approval the half-cent CIP sales tax will expire June 30th, 2021.
Projects proposed for both the G.O. Bond Issue and the CIP extension primarily include improvements and maintenance to existing facilities and infrastructure.
"There really aren't any new projects included in either proposal," Bailey said. "The City Council ultimately selected projects that build on the services and amenities we already have, including much needed equipment for public safety, improvements to the roads and parking lots in our City parks, multiple street projects, bridge repairs and general equipment upgrades. We believe these are projects that will help move our community forward and allow us to continue building a better Bartlesville. We encourage everyone to vote on April 7th."
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