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Posted: Feb 18, 2020 1:08 PMUpdated: Feb 18, 2020 1:21 PM

Governor's Prayer Breakfast Calls for Fervent Prayer

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Garrett Giles

There were some technical difficulties during the First Annual Governor's Prayer Breakfast “United Through Prayer” that was live-streamed at the Bartlesville Community Center on Tuesday, but God made a way for powerful prayer.

Admiral Barry C. Black (pictured right), the Chaplin to the United States Senate, was introduced by U.S. Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford during the streamed event. Admiral Black spoke for 25 minutes on praying fervently, knowing God's righteousness and giving thanks for His love in our lives as the Holy Spirit lives in us. He said God responds to our fervent prayer by healing our nation and world.

It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that caused Admiral Black to call an audible and talk about embracing the power of passionate prayer. Admiral Black said in the year 2000, he became the Chief of Chaplains. It was Admiral Black's decision that the sea services (i.e. Navy, Marine Corp, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines) needed a Corp-wide day of fasting and prayer.

When this took place, Admiral Black said marvelous things started to happen. He said recruiting took off to the point that the Chief of Naval Operations called him into his office to ask him what the cause was for his success so other corps can pick up his method. Admiral Black told him the truth: they embraced the power of fervent prayer.

"If there was ever a time that our nation needed fervent prayer, that time is yesterday," Admiral Black said.

We should embrace the power of fervent prayer because God has given us examples of its efficacy. Admiral Black said you can find examples in James 5:16-17, 1 Samuel 1:13, Psalm 22:1, Psalm 31:5, and 1 Timothy 1-4. Admiral Black said that Jesus even prayed the Scriptures while on the Cross as he was dying so our sins could be forgiven.

Pray out of a sense of need. Pray to God and God alone. Respect the sovereignty of God when you pray. Pray with thanksgiving. These are points that Admiral Black made that he wanted all to take in as we embrace the power of fervent prayer.

You can listen to the full testimony by Admiral Black here.

Governor Kevin Stitt followed Admiral Black's testimony to announce that BeANeighbor.org was launched on Tuesday morning. He said he realizes that State government cannot solve social issues by themselves.

The idea of Be A Neighbor was launched because pastors, churches and nonprofits want to be engaged. Gov. Stitt said they all want to be engaged and they all want to get involved in their communities.

Gov. Stitt said they have taken all 77 counties in Oklahoma and they have broken down their issues into three categories: aging out of foster care, high school drop outs, and reducing the cycle of recidivism. Gov. Stitt prompted the crowd in attendance – both in Bartlesville and Oklahoma City – to be the difference their community needs.

Breaking down the issues little by little is easy, but it is easier with a neighbor. The statistics for 16 to 18-year-olds aging out of foster care are staggering. Gov. Stitt said the odds of them being homeless, incarcerated or deceased are high if someone does not intervene in their lives. He said in Cleveland County alone where he grew up, 13 kids are aging out of foster care. There are over 200 churches in the area. Gov. Stitt said we can fix the issues and be the difference in our communities based on these results.

In terms of high school drop outs, Gov. Stitt said 58 students have dropped out in Okmulgee County alone. He said we have the people and the churches to invest in the classroom and make a difference in each student’s life. Being a good neighbor in this situation is the only way this can change.

Then there is the hope to reduce repeat criminal offenders. Gov. Stitt said if you are employers, you can be a neighbor and be there for someone that is getting out of the system. He said it takes time and effort to invest in people's lives, but it makes the biggest difference when it comes to changing lives.

"We can change the lives of all 4-million Oklahomans for the better when we break all 77 goals down at a time and connect what the state does with the churches and the non-profits. Then we pray and ask God to intervene in Oklahoma," Gov. Stitt said.

Click here to visit the newly launched BeANeighbor.org.

Non-profits in the Bartlesville community also had a chance to speak about, and prayer for, their organization during the prayer breakfast at the Bartlesville Community Center. Groups like the Agape Mission, the Salvation Army, the Lighthouse Outreach Center, the Veterans Connection Organization, Inc., Martha's Task, and Mary Martha's Outreach were in attendance.

Prayers for Oklahoma's leaders, foster children, education system, criminal justice system and much more were had on Tuesday morning. As it was said during the breakfast that "love conquers turbulence." If you would like to pray for local or state leaders, you can find a list below:


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