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Posted: Feb 06, 2020 1:41 PMUpdated: Feb 06, 2020 4:57 PM

Hoover Elementary Continues to Assist the Meijer Family

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Garrett Giles

The Meijer family has some good news to share with you as Hoover Elementary School in Bartlesville continues their efforts to help them financially.

33-year-old Alex Meijer, who has been diagnosed with stage four terminal cancer, is on the mend. Amanda Daniels, a family friend and a third grade teacher of Hoover, said Alex went through surgery on Monday. She said Dr. Fisher at the St. Francis Medical Center was able to remove a softball-sized tumor from his intestine.

Other tumors of considerable size were also removed from Alex's body, which will allow him to eat solid foods over time. Alex is currently eating ice cream to help him through until he can eat something solid. Dr. Fisher told the Meijer family that he want Alex at MD Anderson within three weeks because it is his only hope.

On Thursday morning, Tori (Alex's wife of six-years) texted Daniels to tell her that Alex was doing well. He is sitting up and eating ice cream as mentioned. She said Alex has not been able to transition to solid foods since December 2019. Even though Alex is experiencing pain, he is making great strides.

Daniels said Hoover Elementary has shifted gears and they are campaigning to get Alex to MD Anderson. She said they have changed the name of the GoFundMe to “Get Alex to MD Anderson” and they have decided to push their goal to $15,000.

Previously with the “GoFundMe,” the goal was to raise $6,000 to help bring Alex's family to see him from the Netherlands. You can find that story here.

Daniels said Alex's family is still visiting him and his family here in Bartlesville. Approximately $10,000 was raised in January 2020 to bring Alex's family to town, and $6,500 had been spent on airfare and hotels to get them to Bartlesville.

A giving link to help bring Alex's family to Bartlesville from the Netherlands can be found here.

(Photo courtesy: Amanda Daniels)

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