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Washington County Commissioners

Posted: Jan 27, 2020 10:18 AMUpdated: Jan 27, 2020 10:21 AM

Commissioners Approve OKEM Grants Access Form

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Garrett Giles

Eric Ashlock with Washington County Emergency Management presented an Oklahoma EM Grant Access Authorization form to the Washington County Commissioners meeting on Monday.

The State of Oklahoma is now going electronic when it comes to filing report forms. Ashlock said when Washington County Emergency Management requests grants, they go through e-grants, which eliminates paperwork.

Kary Cox, the WCEM's Executive Director, already had his Oklahoma EM Grant Access Authorization established. With the approval of the Washington County Commissioners, Ashlock has the same capabilities as Cox does to file quarterly reports and more electronically.

Also of note, Ashlock said Washington County Emergency Management just went through their audit on their Storm Shelter Grant. He said that should close out in a week or two as the WCEM waits for another check to come from the treasury.

The WCEM has also asked the Oklahoma Department of Forestry for an extension on their fire grant. Ashlock said they had a meeting with the Forestry Department and every Fire District in Washington County was there. He said as they went to put a plan together for the grant, a firefighter got burned, which slowed things down some.

A plan from the Oklahoma Department of Forestry, however, should come in soon.

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