Local Schools
Posted: Apr 01, 2017 3:35 AMUpdated: Apr 01, 2017 3:35 AM
OkWU Will Offer New Major
Oklahoma Wesleyan University will launch a new academic major fall. The Writing and Editing major will be housed in the School of Arts and Sciences. The program focus will help students develop the more technical skills necessary for working as a professional writer or editor.
Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Gentry Sutton suggests two cultural realities have led to great opportunities for people with good written-language skills. He says technology has created a tremendous need for skilled writers and editors. When a computer screen viewed by thousands or millions of people is the face of an organization, it must reflect a high regard for excellence in communication. Second, our society is facing a writing-skills crisis, so people with strong writing skills can distinguish themselves from much of the workforce.
Additionally, OKWU will now offer a new academic minor called Critical Thinking and Persuasion. Designed to help students sharpen their higher-order thinking and writing skills, this new minor will involve coursework from the School of Ministry and Christian Thought, the School of Arts and Sciences, and the Chesapeake Energy School of Business.
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