Bartlesvile Public Schools
Posted: Nov 28, 2016 1:26 PMUpdated: Nov 28, 2016 1:32 PM
Hoover Elementary Holds Penny Drive
Students at Hoover Elementary School collected pennies through a Penny Drive and chose to honor their Hoover Heroes by donating the funds to Bartlesville Police Department’s Honor Guard.
BPD’s Honor Guard performed a flag ceremony after which Hoover Elementary Principal, Ms. Rene Burns, and third grade teacher Ms. Kelli Bryant presented the BPD Honor Guard with a check for $1,104.84 at the school’s Veteran’s Day program on Friday, November 11.
Principal Burns says her students were excited to participate
Students at Hoover Elementary School also honored those who served in the military and who are current service members by singing a song for each branch of the military, inviting any veteran of that branch who was in the audience to stand and be recognized.
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