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Posted: Jul 20, 2016 1:13 PMUpdated: Jul 20, 2016 1:13 PM

Students to Return to Central Middle School

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Miles Mooreland

The beginning of the 2016-2017 school year is quickly  approaching, and Central Middle School students will finally return to their old location on Cherokee Avenue.

The school board is set to finish construction on Central in time for the start of school on August 18th. Renovations made to the building include a new gymnasium, a multi-handicap room, a cafeteria expansion to allow more students to eat lunch at a time, and a whole re-working of the basement level into separate choir, orchestra, and band rooms.

Not all areas will be complete at the beginning of school, like the gymnasium, which will be large enough to hold Central Basketball games and Volleyball matches upon completion.

Bartlesville Public Schools Superintendent Chuck McCauley invites you to come check out all of Central's changes and additions during their open house in August.

Both students and teachers alike are anxious to move back home to Central.

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